Numero uno-- I do not like wrestling!
Ok, this is a really random post but my weekend was lame and I have nothing else to update you on. Saturday, Dt's little brother was in the state wrestling championship in Lexington so we decided to go to the tournament. My boyfriend is 26 years old (goodness, when did that happen?) and his little brother is 14. Yes, that's a solid 12 year age difference and there are no siblings between them. It's weird, but whatever it's what we're working with.
So we venture to the high school around 10:30 a.m. (yes this was a saturday morning but we woke up nice and early to be supportive, go us!) and pay our $16 to get in then proceed to walk into the main gym. I wish I would have taken a picture of this hot mess but I didn't so use your imagination. First and foremost, let me emphasize HOT!!! Disgusting, muggy, hot! Once you catch your breath after getting hit by this wave of heat you realize breathing is the worst thing you can do because of the smell. Have you ever smelled a 14 year old boy? How about a 14 year old sweaty boy? Now multiple that by 200. Did you just pass out? Yea I almost did.
Numero dos-- teenage boys are disgusting
On the floor there are four big mats with two boys wrestling on each and tons of boys wandering around and all of their redneck parents cheering them on (this is also happening in at least two other gyms at the school). Oh it is a scene! So Dt and I take a seat with his mom and older brother (that's the 29 year old. Did you catch that, there's a married 29 year old, a 26 year old, and a 14 year old. They keep it interesting!) We then proceed to wait three hours until Dt's brother has another match. 3 hours of sitting on those horrible bleachers, in the hot smelly gym, watching wrestling.
Numero tres-- gym bleachers are extremely uncomfortable
Don't be confused, it was not like watching this guy. This I could at least pay attention to! |
Now I'm very familiar with sports tournaments. I grew up playing club sports which meant we spent all of our weekends at tournaments. I loved playing in them but even when I wasn't planning it was interesting to watch the sport being played. Wrestling is not one of those sports. It's the most boring sport I've ever had the misfortune to watch. I'd take golf, weight lifting, and track over wrestling. For those of you who are lucky enough to never have watched a wrestling match, let me explain it to you. Two boys start out dancing around each other. They may hit each other in the head or poke one another but for the most part its just dancing. Until one of them falls to the mat and the other jumps on top of him and they proceed to lay there and wiggle for however much time is remaining in the 1:30 minute round. Every time they dance out of bounds, the clock stops. Every time they wiggle out of bounds, the clock stops. Every time one chases the other out of bounds, the clock stops. Then they proceed to do this for three rounds and who ever has the most "points" (which you aren't really sure what qualifies as a point) wins.
Numero cuatro-- I hate wrestling
This is what we were basically watching. |
So we wait the three hours until Dt's brother finally wrestles, it happens really fast, he wins his match and proceeds. Wait, I waited three hours for THAT?!?! Well, he won so thats good, when does he wrestle again? Oh, four more hours! Well, we went and grabbed lunch, came back, sat around for another two hours then he finally wrestled again. He won again. Wooooo for him! But that means he is in the finals which will not occur for another 4 hours! This is where Dt and I decide to cut bait and head home. We're exhausted from sitting in that hot, horrible, redneck, crowded gym and ready to go. After some lovely goodbyes and more comments than were necessary, Dt and I finally made it home where I discovered that I would have to burn the clothes that I wore because I will never be able to get that smell out. Around 9 p.m. we found out that his brother won state for his weight class which was great! But I think we would have preferred to show up at 8, hung out for an hour, cheered him on in his last match and then celebrate. Hindsight is 20/20 huh? In good news, I've discovered my least favorite sport and I will never attend another wrestling tournament in my life.
How was your saturday?
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