I think I'll start off with introducing Dt a little more since he'll be mentioned a lot in the blog. Like I said earlier, I live in Columbia with my wonderful boyfriend Dt. We’ve been dating for 6 years
(yes, since I was a freshman in college) and living together for about a year
and a half now. While I enjoyed some aspects of roommates, most of the time it
was just a pain and I never found the perfect fit for someone who I could live
with until I took the plunge and moved in with my boyfriend. I never thought
I’d be THAT girl. I never imagined living with Dt before getting married but in
2010 when my current roommate went crazy and decided she wanted to live with her bf of one
month, I was screwed and didn’t know what to do. That’s when Dt suggested us
moving in together and it was like a light bulb went on. I cook for us anyway,
we both prefer our thermostat set really low (which is a huge topic for
roommates) and we still can’t get enough of each other after all of these
years. So we did it! While our little apartment leaves a lot to be desired, it's ours and I’ve never been happier! J
Some pics of us throughout
the years (very random, not chronological) …
This is my Freshman year
when we first started dating.
At our first sorority function together
At a Clemson Game. Go Tigers!
And this is us in Washington D.C. this past summer.
I think we're pretty dang cute don't you? ;)
Love, Em
aww aren't you kids cute!