Hello my blogging bebes! I'm so sorry I have been the worst blogger on the face of this earth! This whole, get a job, 8:30-5 thing is exhausting! Who knew?
Between working all day, trying to fit in some QT with my boyfriend and getting enough sleep so I can function, my blog has fallen by the wayside. But don't worry, I will try to do better. Promise! Here's a little review of what I have been doing with my life...
A little bit of this
Baby sister came to visit for St. Patty's. R to L, Summer, Amelia, and Jennie |
Dt was there too! |
Also some of this
I went home to watch Tucker's senior night lacrosse game
Giving flowers to his Mama |
Proud daddy |
Fit some of this in while getting ready in the morning
And then lots and lots of this
Lots of work with a little bit of fun throw in there every once and while. Sounds like a pretty good life to me... Oh and I finally got paid!!!!!! Turns out being rich is not in my near future, who woulda thunk? Whatever, I'm marrying a doctor! I keed, I keed. Kinda.
I hope my followers haven't given up on me because of my absence. I promise I will try harder to get this ish under control!!! Love!

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