Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday update

I’m starting to realize that I should have started this blog months ago when I was fully unemployed and had lots of free time. Unfortunately, I didn’t (that’s just how my life works sometimes) which means that I now have to find time to blog around my crazy holiday hours. And who knew working in retail would mean crazy holiday hours? I mean, what was I thinking when I signed up for this? I think it had something to do with money and loans kicking in but the pain in my feet and lack of readiness concerning Christmas this year are blocking all of my financial worries so I’m not really sure what my motivation is. I’m exhausted, I’m nowhere near ready for Christmas, I don’t get to hang out with my boyfriend as much as I’d like, and I haven’t cooked any fun holiday treats all month L (insert snooki-style waaaaahhhh).

In between my crazy work schedule I have been able to do one or two things. First of all, I attended Dt’s family Christmas gathering yesterday which was fun, a little dramatic, and resulted in a lot of venting for good reasons afterwards. Doesn’t family just do that to you sometimes? After the really long day of family interaction, Dt and I came home and enjoyed the rest of our evening together, cuddling, watching the Grinch, listening to Christmas music, and driving around looking at Christmas lights which I think was the perfect ending to a bumpy day. I’m so lucky to have that boy with me every day of my life <3.

In order to prepare for Dt’s family get-together I had to think of something to get everyone. His family seems to be very fond of me and his aunts always get me a little gift, which is so nice of them and totally unnecessary but they do it anyway so I think it’s important to do something for them too. Considering the fact that I am on a very small budget and needed to gift 6 people, I knew I’d have to do something homemade but I didn’t want it to be super lame so I went perused Pinterest until I found the perfect idea. And it was this!

It was super easy to make (after two trips to the store because it didn’t make as much as I needed for 6 people) and came out perfectly! I found some great jars at the dollar store (holler holler) and one of the women who I work with whom is super crafty and amazing offered to help me put sunflowers on top of the jars (to mask the ugly top that the dollar store provided). The sunflowers worked perfectly with the brown scrub and I thought it looked great. I’ll post a pic of my version when I have time to upload my camera but until then, you can use your imagination with how it turned out.

In other news, I’m still lacking in the gift department for mom, dad, and Tuck but I have ideas for all three and just need to brave the Christmas crowds that I have to deal with every day at work and really don’t feel like dealing with on my one day off. Ahhhh, such is life sometimes. Wish me luck and I’ll let you know what I find! 

Love, Em

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